The opening Act - Forecast Jan 2022
In year of 3 times 2 2022 - what Might be the scenario at hand?
2 “The Negative Mind” - the second body of energy in numerology is framed by the first mental projection of our mind which assesses and evaluates danger, caution, trust and safety. The assessment of inherent danger in a situation or interaction.
The energies of ‘two’ in a positive pole are of harmony, longing to connect, inclusion, divine discrimination and recognizing the two sides of the coin when it comes to character and experience (considering both sides of reality).
Twos enjoy companionship and partnership, they are supportive of others and like to create harmony. 2 represents protection, caring, and a sense of diplomacy. On the shadow side, two represent the fluctuation of emotions, duality and conflict; trust vs mistrust; over cooperation and under cooperation.
So one thing for sure - everything this coming year will move through collaborations and partnerships or the lack of them... It is a year where order and chaos, rigidity and harmony will intertwine - especially when it comes to ones greater vision in life (More in 'The Code 2022' recorded forecast - available to order)

January is starting our year, an a bit of the urgent frantic mode of change!
In this Opening act, carve some time to frame the goals you would like to create for yourself in the coming year: Better have a plan for 22 (22 is a unique vibration of a greater vision).
The first beat of 2022 is about change and creative adventure! The physical experience of your life is what will be unfolding this month.
On the menu: Movement - possibilities for short segments of travel – make sure you create pausing times for yourself because events will move fast. – be flexible, to be able to pivot and shift direction. Extra endurance will be needed this month – slow down and take the time to connect to the souls you will randomly meet.
Physicality and the earthy element will demand extra self care - pay attention to your physical body. since 5 is the act of communication - put more effort to share your experience with others and try to be more transparent.
NEW KNOWLEDGE may come to you in January - while moving and acquiring new experiences – you may be drop in to an understanding that was not available to you before. Good time to put ideas on paper - writing times. Give yourself room for errors when it comes to time management and travel. In all the franticness - cultivate some new habits that will inspire and uplift your soul. For you who are entrepreneurs, or have your hands in buying and selling goods - this is a good month to turn up the dial for more impact.
If you need more overview on the year with a month by month forecast - Get 'The Code 2022' recorded forecast.