Understand your
Cosmic Contract
Your (Numeric) Code
Tantric Numerology defines a system of numerology as a non-dual structure to observe and experience the universe. It’s an energetic system, which identifies the patterns we live by. It all-inclusive and there is no separation between shadow and light, within each vibration or body of energy. These 11 bodies of energy defines stages in time cycles, consciousness, and physical circumstances.
Life-changing Numeric Consultation. Looking at your Numeric code will set your life course in a positive pole including a month-by-month road map for the upcoming year, looking at the currant evolution of career, money and relationships.

"Who knew numbers could be so profoundly guiding in a practical and spiritual way. I learned about myself, my purpose moving forward, and important timing in the upcoming year so that I can implement my work and passion with precision and grace." - Alex
Uncover more with numerology in relationship & business.
Partnership Chart Reading
A one-and-a-half hour Life-changing reading. A Partnership chart is a compatibility map through the combined values of both parties (whether romantic or business compatibility). It is a longer reading where we will asses, and examine the combined and parallel journeys of both parties: including key values and anchors to hold and maintain the partnership in a positive pole.
Price: $210 - Sale through March 31
(normally $245)
Business Chart Reading
A one-and-a-half hour, of looking at your fundamental partnerships and strategy within your business. A Business Chart is the alignment of one's passion and the timing progression for launching, changing, and maintaining your business (we may look at your brand as well).
Price: $210 - Sale through March 31
(normally $245)
Explore the archetypes that govern our journey!
See what insights the mystical Tarot has to offer:
Tarot Mapping
Wisdom held in the Tarot gives us the knowledge to work with the unseen worlds and therefore forge a destiny which may not have been possible by just judging and acting on our sense-based reality. Shining the light on what is hidden through this archetypal and symbolic process offers us the choice to act in correlation and unification with the spiritual and material worlds.
A 1-hour, life-changing tarot reading. A tarot ‘Mapping’ with Akiva provides an opportunity to tap into the unseen plot of one's destiny, align inner and outer realities into the best possible scenarios in the areas of career relationship and money! Gaining clarity of choice and purposeful direction to take action.
Price: $145
Interested in learning more about numerology and the tarot?
Check out the Soul Mapping Series:
Soul Mapping Series
Wisdom held in the Tarot gives us the knowledge to work with the unseen worlds and therefore forge a destiny which may not have been possible by just judging and acting on our sense-based reality. Shining the light on what is hidden through this archetypal and symbolic process offers us the choice to act in correlation and unification with the spiritual and material worlds.
Soul Mapping I start November 14th
At the dhyana Center, 186 N. Main St. Sebastopol, CA
Life purpose tools for the Aquarian Age
Be at the right place, at the right time with the right people!
Understanding your elemental and planetary making through the tree of life - and how to apply that divining wisdom to everyday choices (money; career and relationship)
THURSDAYS: 6:30PM - 9:00PM
11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12
LEARN How to apply the universal laws (Kabbalah) to your own life purpose! From idea to fruition.
GAIN the knowledge to move beyond your Karmic limitations, into a desired destiny.
EXPLORE planetary navigation, healing and manifestation tools, to forward your "Game".
IMPROVE your relationships (professional and Romantic) by using the Major Arcana's archetypes; and understand how to harmonize those connections.
MAP the upcoming year (2020), work with the universal and Individual time cycles to cultivate abundance and healing.
UNDERSTAND creativity through the blue print of the tree of Life, the Numerology and applications of the 7 creative planets - as a framework for SUCCESS.
Fee $250
Returning Students $177