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NUMEROLOGY-the Basics" understanding the The Cosmic Rhythms

Understand your numeric blueprint.

Gain insight into your own operating system, as well as others. 

Get the basics of numerology to set a defined direction for yourself and others.

- Special onlin Webinar over ZOOM

10/1 6:15pm-8:15pm PST


Include within this foundation class:

Understanding the non dual (tantric) force of number

The 11 bodies of consciousness

The basics positions – soul, karma, challenge, gift, knowledge; and how to maintain your authentic path in a positive pole!

Gaining the knowledge to asses the basics in a 'chart' for yourself and others.

With Master Numerologist Akiva Satnarayan


1. Register

2. recieve a link

3. be on time - with writing material


additional Hand outs will be provided

NUMEROLOGY- Using your Cosmic Rhythms

  • Class would be through ZOOM Video conferencing platform!

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