Positive Intelligence - 7 week foundation (+additional 4 wks of growing your positive IQ practice)
with Akiva (to explore PQ (positive IQ) - schedule a Free 20 minute sample)
First weekly video is dropped on Everey Friday 12PM
- Payment plan is available!
PQ Program is designed as a mental fitness bootcamp and combines weekly coaching sessions with daily app-guided practices to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles (Saboteur Interception muscle Sage Wisdom and Self-Command) + a weekly coaching session - to support your growth and change. Increase in your positive IQ will happen through the program.
3 Core muscles explaind:
- Saboteurs Interceptor Muscle: Your Saboteurs generate all your negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, avoidance, procrastination, insensitivity or discontent. Mental fitness requires the ability to intercept and discredit the Saboteurs. Here is a sneak peek to a saboteur assessment
- Sage Muscle: Your Sage is the one in you that handles challenges with a clear and calm mind, and positive emotions. It also provide access to your sage 5 primary powers.
- All you need to paint any canvas is 3 primary colors. Similarly, through factor analysis research we’ve discovered that there are only 5 primary powers: Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate. For peak performance, you learn to boost all 5 powers and know when to use which power.
- Self-Command Muscle: You’re not in full command of your mind. If you were, you would choose to entirely silence the Saboteurs in your head. You would choose to not stress out over what you can’t control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anger, regret, or blame.
- TIME engagement - this program is for busy people: 15 minutes a day - practice; 30 minutes weekly of coaching in a group setting; one hour video of class per week (you have 3 day to watch it);
- Include in this 7 week forundation - an additional month of 'Grow' - continuing your daily practice!
- (payment option is avaialable)
- This program includes one one coaching session on week 7
- Program content and the science behind positive IQ (PQ)
IF signed this week-$50 additional discount using the code SPECIALDISCOUNT_PQ
$889 (Regular price $1270) - 7 week foundation of practice and growth of your Mental fitness muscle!
- Payment plan is available!