NOVEMBER's Forecast - Illusion has it's price
November- brings mental illusion and deception in the heart center - the area where we cast our decisions from. Being extra real about facts, being alert on what happen in the news (vs. an opinion on what happened), and being clear on where our emotive knowledge comes from (fear, denial, deception, positivity) would be helpful.
November’s numeric time cycle is under the vibration of 4 - The balance between opposites, is resolved in neutrality, the heart - being of service
(Coming from the heart - the ability to serve will shine). Form and structure, service, being organized, practical, (vs. chaos and lack of process). hard work (laziness), neutral mind, 4 = words.
The big picture, Character = “rock of Gibraltar counsel and support”. practical, in life and in their solutions.
The influencing vibration Of November is under - 6 - Six is The 3rd eye point the protective field that some will describe as halo - discernment and protection. “the 6 sense” is a protective field of high intuition, which gives a person the ability to adapt and act accordingly in many situations. 6 represents the immune system, the body ability to fight disease.the group/family, perfection (power pf prayer). In the heart configuration - which is the area in a chart which point out the inclination of our emotions, our likely career or partnership direction and what drive our choices, is under The vibration of 13.
13 is a spiritual number with a high frequency, providing the ability to manifest any desire through our words – it has the double quality of deception and betrayal, and the manifestation of negativity in one hand, and the capacity for huge possibilities and opportunities, and positive manifestation on the other, the ability to manifest and create beautiful and outstanding events in one's life.
The base of the month’s chart - the foundation of this month’s experience - is the power of coming together the collective, family, tribe. - Six is The 3rd eye point, the protective field that some will describe as halo - discernment and protection. “the 6 sense” is a protective field of high intuition, which gives a person the ability to adapt and act accordingly in many situations. 6 represents the immune system, the body ability to fight disease.the group/family, perfection (power of prayer).- access these qualities means - that each one of us need to take time alone, contemplation and inner observation will do wonders. Being extra assertive and discerning before you let folks get into your space would be beneficial (at your home and community). Meditation on a daily basis will make wonders to ride the space of neutrality while the circumstantial weather turns upside down.
In a year of conflicts and reconciliation where faith is the glue between disagreements, where everything will move through relationships, partnerships and collaborations, through dialog (vs.divisions)! - cultivating inner peace is in demand. Focusing on Reality (vs. dwelling In fairyland and in fantasy) is crucial. The heart needs to be moved by truth, and this November truth is being challenged on many levels. - The remade to illusionary critical mind this month is through the appreciation of subtleties and the ability to complete unfinished tasks and projects.