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2018 - The Universal Soul - Part III

A Completion cycle is upon us - 2018 brings the act of adjustment, on an individual and collective levels. It is the adjustment of the universal soul on its many layers and angles. There will be modifications within our social circles, spiritual understanding and material consumption. Some of our friends and colleagues will leave our path, and some un needed matter will fall to the side line. Patience and endurance will be needed more then ever.

We will be acknowledged in areas of mastery and growth (especially in the fields of beauty, art and science). This part of our forecast focuses on the spiritual component of 2018, the influencing energy under the number 11, which represents the ability to go deeper into which that inspires us, making us truthful and authentic.11 is the quality of spiritual mastery, the alchemy of all the qualities we poses.

A mastery of spirit can transform any situation, and create unprecedented results. It is a higher octave of 2, and the power of divine will. When we decide to follow our heart under the influence of 11 the universe will respond accordingly.This year the quality of 11 is representing what was gained and accomplish in many lifetimes within the realm of spirit, and the collective experiences of overcoming challenges - caring for the common wellness of all.

This accumulative spiritual imprint is going to bring us to recognize the highest truth, and demand from us to make an effort to change with some acts of sacrifice. Yet – it can also indicates martyrdom and fanaticism on the rise, bringing to the surface more unfinished business from the past, justifying extreme measures and actions!The lower vibration of 11, the number 2 is in an asset position for 2018, it indicates the capacity to bridge differences through diplomacy, understanding, divine-discrimination, companionship and kinship. It also brings force the capacity to leave the past behind, create protection and caring for those in need, and provide a sense of belonging. On the shadow side of 2, we may find ourselves more emotional and conflicted at times. The key is to find mutual understandings in disagreement, pause and breath before reacting, taking a moment to acknowledge our emotional state.

May we all cherish change and embrace truthful expression in the coming months.

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